
You will find the expected operating times for your Marcum® electronics below using Amped Outdoors Lithium Batteries. All operating times are based off manufacturer supplied specifications. (Current draw at 12V)


 All numbers below report hours of expected operation for each battery. Highlighted batteries will fit the stock battery opening. 

Product  Stock 9Ah SLA 7.5Ah LiFePO4 15Ah LiFePO4 18AH LiFePO4 30Ah LiFePO4
M1 22 34 68 83 139
M3 25 40 80 96 160
M5 20 28 56 77 128
LX-6S 14 21 42 52 86
LX-7 9 14 28 35 58
LX-9 6 10 20 25 41
RT9 4 10 20 16 27
MX-7gps 15 14 28 58 97
VS485c 13 17 34 50 84
Mission SD 17 21 43 64 107
Quest HD 6 7 15 22 36